Great relationships don’t just happen. We create them.

Create the Love

Mark Groves
Human Connection Specialist & Founder of Create The Love

Mark Groves

Mark interviews the world’s most brilliant minds and hearts to explore, alongside you, every subject imaginable relating to the human experience and how we relate.

New episodes

The 4 Hidden Blocks Women Face in Personal Growth with Kylie McBeath
High-Functioning Codependents: How to Stop Being Everything for Everyone with Terri Cole
From Waiting to Creating: The Power of Self-Reliance & How to Take Action with Maha Abouelenein
Navigating Avoidant Attachment: Intimacy, Dopamine, and Emotional Disconnect w/ Adam Lane Smith

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Want to finally love yourself and create the life + love you crave?

It’s time to step into your power and take radical responsibility for your life and how you love.

Get Started!

This is a
space to…

  • Dig in
  • Dive deep
  • Do the work
  • Design the life + love you deserve
(Don’t worry, we’ll have fun while we’re at it!)


Not sure where to start?

We’ve got your back!

Take our quiz to discover the top words, work and guidance curated for your matters of the heart.

I Am:

In a relationship
Single and healing
Single and ready to date
Single and want to learn more about myself
I’m happy but know there are ways to grow and improve
I’m not happy & I want to stay and work on things
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Quiz Results:

The Breakup Recovery Recipe

Take your power back and use the pain from your breakup to transform your life. This course guides you from heartbreak, to healing, to thriving!

Your Course

Quiz Results:

Relationships Starter Course

A 7-day deep dive into a better understanding of relationships. If you’re new to relational wellness, this is the course for you. Start here! …

Your Course

Quiz Results:

Rediscover Your Wholeness

A deep dive into unconditionally loving yourself. This course is about your relationship with yourself and stepping into full alignment with your highest and best!

Your Course

Quiz Results:

Rediscover Your Wholeness

A deep dive into unconditionally loving yourself. This course is about your relationship with yourself and stepping into full alignment with your highest and best!

Your Course

Quiz Results:

Rediscover Your Wholeness

A deep dive into unconditionally loving yourself. This course is about your relationship with yourself and stepping into full alignment with your highest and best!

Your Course

Latest Reads

How to Love Who You Are

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My Partner Isn't Interested in Growing

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My Ex is Watching My Stories

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Until I took this course, I have not been able to fully enjoy this beautiful world. This course has changed the way I see myself and the world. I am truly grateful for your team! My favorite parts were the self authoring lesson, learning to meditate and the clearing exercise on people pleasing. This course has showed me there is a different way to live! I don’t have to live for the validation of others. It is so freeing! My favorite sayings were “if it’s not a fuck yes then it’s a hell no” and What’s the price of admission to be in my life. So thank you all so much! You are changing people’s lives! What a wonderful way to live!

Meghan P.

Mark’s ability to unpack, explain, and repair human connection is truly second to none. I have watched Mark become one of the leading voices in his field for many reasons, but largely because of his dedication to learning, willingness to implement the lessons, and the commitment he has to being the living embodiment of his teachings. Mark is one of the few people I know who really walks the talk, day-in and day-out. Not to mention the impact he’s had on my life as a close friend and colleague.

Connor Beaton, Man Talks

Wanted to thank you so much… I completed the Boundaries Badass course and I’m in the middle of the Break-up Recovery course. Because of the work I’ve done so far, I was able to use the tools to have a really healthy and amazing conversation with a difficult person. I feel so much healing from that conversation, and it felt so loving to myself. I’ve been applying the tools to my life everyday and my life has already drastically changed for the better. I have been choosing myself every day, in the good moments and bad. These courses are incredible, I have been recommending them to everyone I know. Thanks so very much, I am so grateful.

Emily E.

One of my favorite things about Mark is that he is the same person in front of an audience as he is over dinner. He brings a magical blend of wisdom, humility, kindness, and integrity to everything he does. He is a joy to learn from and a blast to collaborate with, and I am grateful I get to call him my friend.

Dr. Alexandra Solomon

THANK YOU for this course!! I feel like it was no accident that I began this work right as the world was about to come to a pause. I have needed to take a pause and deep look into my triggers and myself as a whole. This time spent working on the material was extremely moving and also difficult at times. Many tears shed of both joy and sadness. All versions of myself are appreciative of this work; The little girl in me, my current self,land my future self. Xo

Mollie M.

I am so grateful for giving this to myself…it was honestly the best gift I got in my entire life. So much expanded from inside, so much released, so much created. Thank you Mark and your team for bringing this to us. Through all these courses I found myself, my courage, my responsibility. I stepped it up… I became raw and real with people that once scared the sh*t out of me, because I allowed them to do so. Now my communication skills, the expression of my needs, wants, opinions and many more has shifted. What I know now, I didn’t know back then… and I am committed to learning each day. So much gratitude! Thank you.

Louiza K.

This course is life changing, it’s a gateway. I’m blown away by the content but mostly how different I feel at the end. The exercises are so helpful and so all around, it really reached all parts of me. In a very real way, I’ve been able to get a grip on my reactivity as a mother. As a single parent of four small kids, I’m fried and exhausted most of the time. It helped me to start breathing and being able to put space between my fatigue and my response. I feel more calm, more whole and deeply aligned with who I am and what I stand for in the world. I have so many more skills in how I navigate my own feelings and relational interactions. I’m clear on the next steps in my newly forming career path and most of all, I’m ready. Thank you Mark and team, for a superfood course on all things life and relationship. If you see someone jet off the surface of the earth, it may be me.To everyone else who completed the course, I’ll see ya up there in the sky, you shining stars of brilliance! Yay us! My gratitude cup is full.

Simarron S.

Create The Love CARDS

The most important questions to ask your partner, all curated by Mark Groves. Ready to play?!


Make your heart make sense

Healing from a breakup, feeling stuck in the past, or questioning your relationship’s future?

There’s a Create The Love course waiting for you.

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Take a getaway for your soul

Experience an expert-packed live event or a multi-day adventure with a like-minded, like-hearted crew.

Answer your heart’s call to go all-in.

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